Witjes - Figure 5

Risk Groups: Intermediate

FIG. 5:  The intermediate-risk group is defined as "the rest" by the EAU,[2] but is specified by the AUA[1] as the recurrent or multifocal Ta tumors and high-grade small Ta tumors.  The red text in the Figure highlights the differences between the AUA and the EAU definitions.  In the intermediate-risk group the AUA places high-grade Ta tumors, which would be high grade for the EAU, and in the high-risk group the AUA includes BCG failures, variant histology, and other very unfavorable prognostic factors such as lymphovascular invasion and involvement of the prostatic urethra. 



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Babjuk M, Böhle A, Burger M, et al. EAU Guidelines on Non-Muscle-invasive Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder: Update 2016. Eur Urol. 2017;71:447−61  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2016.05.041