Shariat - Figure 26

PDD facilitates the detection of NMIBC, notably flat forms of cancer

FIG. 26:  Multiple well-done systematic reviews and meta-analyses have shown that PDD increases detection of CIS and thereby decreases recurrence rate.[31]  The best quality randomized clinical trial, by Schmidbauer et al,[32] showed that PDD confers an additional relative risk reduction of almost 20%.



Kausch I, Sommerauer M, Montorsi F, et al. Photodynamic diagnosis in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review and cumulative analysis of prospective studies. Eur Urol. 2010;57:595−606


Schmidbauer J, Witjes F, Schmeller N, et al; Hexvix PCB301/01 Study Group. Improved detection of urothelial carcinoma in situ with hexaminolevulinate fluorescence cystoscopy. J Urol. 2004;171:135–8